Smiling older male with grey hair and beard wearing a blue shirt

Employee Assistance Providers (EAPs)

We recognise that EAPs play an important role in maintaining a healthy and safe working environment. We work in partnership with EAPs to provide resources that can be integrated into existing programmes or tailored to your client's needs.

Group exercise class with a mix of ages and races

Support employees to make better choices

We can support EAPs in developing bespoke alcohol education programmes, providing digital tools, information, advice and guidance.

All our new and revised medical and health-related content is reviewed by an independent Medical Advisory Panel.

Drinkaware is an independent evidence-based alcohol education charity that’s committed to reducing alcohol harm in the UK

This video about alcohol and mental health is one example of our resources:

Drinking alcohol is linked to a range of mental health issues from depression and memory loss, to suicide. Our resources aim to highlight the effects of alcohol on mental health so people can make better choices about their drinking.

Why work with Drinkaware?

Group of middle aged men finishing a 5-aside football practice at park

Accredited courses

Our courses provide expert advice, support, and tools in an engaging and easily digestible format to support people to better understand the impact of alcohol.

Group of colleagues at a team meeting being given a presentation

A wide range of resources

Drinkaware can deliver added value to the programmes you offer with our range of great resources, digital tools and accredited training.

A men with short dark hair looking at computer screen and smiling

Providing tailored support

Our tailored programmes can help your clients to support their employees in making better choices about their drinking which can improve productivity.

We have a range of products, resources and training formats to suit all needs. Explore our range below:


Product type

Alcohol unit and calorie calculator

Our unit and calorie calculator is an easy-to-use, rotating wheel that measures the alcoholic unit content and calories in the most commonly consumed drinks.


Alcohol and Health - free information pack

A free pack of downloadable factsheets, posters and a leaflet suitable for anyone running alcohol education events or programmes.


Alcohol and Health - impact on your health

A comprehensive pack with more than 30 pieces of content. Perfect resource for anyone running alcohol education programmes or working for the NHS.


Alcohol and Health - mental health

Factsheets, posters, digital assets and a video explaining the impact of alcohol on mental health. Useful for alcohol education events and people working in the NHS.



Alcohol and Health - heart and blood pressure

Factsheets, posters, digital assets and a video explaining the impact of alcohol on blood pressure and the heart.  For education events and people working in the NHS.


Alcohol and Health - cancer

Factsheets, posters, digital assets and a video explaining the impact of alcohol on cancer.  Useful for alcohol education events and people working in the NHS.


Alcohol and Health - holiday drinking

Factsheets, posters, digital assets and a video explaining the impact of drinking to excess. Useful for alcohol education events and people working in the NHS.


Drinkaware at Work - Alcohol Awareness E-learning

CPD accredited course providing an introduction to alcohol education. Suitable for all employees. Price per person, with discounts for bigger teams.
