Alcohol unit and calorie calculator

Our unit and calorie calculator is an easy-to-use, rotating wheel that measures the alcoholic unit content and calories in the most commonly consumed alcoholic beverages.

Use this handy tool to understand how many units you are drinking as a great first step to looking after your health.

This product is perfect for individuals wanting to understand their own drinking or for anyone working on alcohol education programmes in the community.

N.B. information correct at time of printing


Why should I buy the calculator? 

Because alcoholic drinks come in many shapes and sizes, units are a good way to help you know just how strong your drink is.  

How does it work? 

Move the wheel to find a drink and it will tell you how many units of alcohol that drink has along with the calories. 

Please note that the calories are averaged across the listed brands at the same % ABV. All calorie information is up to date as of 24th September 2014. 

What is the UK alcohol unit guidance?  

To keep health risks from alcohol low, the UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) advice is, if you choose to drink, it is safest for both men and women to drink no more than 14 units a week, spread over three or more days with several drink-free days, and no bingeing.